torsdag 13. desember 2018

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

Lassen Sie sich inspirieren. Entdecke mehr über Pflanzen und Blumen! Weihnachten mit pflanzen! Die Schönheit der Natur feiern. Kalanchoe native to Madagascar.

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

These types include K. A really popular houseplant due to their wide variety of flower colors, long-lasting blooms, low water requirements and ease of propagation. A great, low maintenance either as an outdoor or indoor succulent. If your winters get heavy frost, or even colder, plan to move your kalanchoe indoors for the winter, or to grow them as succulent houseplants year round. Once you have mastered these kalanchoe blossfeldiana care tips, you’ll want to know how to get it to flower again next year. This can be a problem since it loves cool, short days.

Many people just allow it to have its months of bloom time and discard it. Denne innendørs anlegget er blant annet tilgjengelig i hvit, gul, oransje, rosa og røde blomster. Videre er bladet også veldig hyggelig å se: skinnende mørk grønn, litt tykkere og ganske solid. It has an upright, multi-branched growth habit. Les feuilles charnues-succulentes, cireuses, sont elliptiques à obovales , à marge largement crénelée.

The flowers last several months, and the green plants are pretty year-round. It’s earned the name “Christmas kalanchoe ” because of this. The “flaming Katy” name comes from the vivid flowers. It’s also called Madagascar widow’s-thrill or florist’s kalanchoe.

Damit das Flammende Käthchen blüht, benötigt es eine mehrwöchige Kurztagsperiode, mit maximal Stunden Licht täglich. Die ist gegeben, wenn es von November bis Februar in einem Raum ohne künstliche Beleuchtung platziert ist. Besonders empfindlich reagieren Hoftiere wie Kühe, Schafe oder Pferde auf die Sukkulente. Es ist bekannt, dass die letale Dosis eines Kalbes bei sieben Gramm der Blüten auf einem Kilogramm Körpergewicht liegt. Death was reported in an iguana that ingested an entire K. Perhaps you’ve seen one but never brought it home.

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

I want to encourage you to do that because they’re easy to grow and are in bloom for quite a long time. It is mostly grown for its large umbels of flower clusters held above the foliage. Deswegen übersteht das Käthchen längere Trockenperioden ohne Probleme.

Gießen Sie die Pflanze im Sommer immer erst dann, wenn das Substrat leicht angetrocknet ist. This specific kind of succulent plant can bloom at any time of the year! They are frost tender, preferring warmer climates and grow well in borders as well as pots.

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

It is often planted as an indoor potted plant and as an outdoor ornamental. This species has escaped from cultivation and can be found naturalized in disturbed and waste areas near cultivation. In our moderate climate it can be as easily grown indoors and outdoors but only in pots and not in the ground.

This decorative plant boasts striking flowers. The species name, blossfeldiana , honors Robert Blossfel a hybridizer who introduced it in Europe from its native Madagascar. Was im Untersetzer verbleibt, wird nach einigen Minuten entfernt, damit es nicht zu Staunässe kommt. Im Herbst gilt es, die Wassergaben zu reduzieren und die Erde nur noch leicht zu befeuchten. Man kennt und schätzt ihre bunten Blüten, die im Winter bis zum zeitigen Frühjahr Farbe in die Wintertristesse bringen.

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

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